Pilgrim's US Implements Its First Solar Energy Project in West Texas | Pilgrim's Sustainability Report

Pilgrim's US

Pilgrim’s US Implements Its First Solar Energy Project in West Texas

In an effort to use more sustainable electricity through use of solar power, Pilgrim’s partnered with one of the largest energy suppliers in North America to implement our first U.S. solar
energy project in Texas. West Texas has some of the greatest solar and wind power potential in the country thanks to the area’s abundant open land and sunshine. The Pilgrim’s West Texas solar project is a 15-year agreement that is expected to supply our rural Pilgrim’s locations in Nacogdoches, Waco and Lufkin with 786,938 megawatts of renewable electricity, displacing a total of 334,070 MT CO2e annually. To put this in perspective, that is the equivalent of taking more than 80,113 cars off the road for a year. When compared to common carbon offsets, the amount of displaced CO2e from this project is also equal to the amount of carbon sequestered by more than 393,024 hectares of forest in one year or more than 5,567,836 10-yearold tree seedlings.

Renewable electricity projects have historically been led by our Pilgrim’s UK facilities, whose electricity needs are 100% met by renewable sources. As solar power continues to become a more available source of renewable electricity, we believe it can help us reach our global goal of net-zero GHG emissions and meet the energy demands of our facilities.