Pilgrim's Moy Park Releases 2021 Animal Welfare Report | Pilgrim's Sustainability Report

Pilgrim's Moy Park

Pilgrim’s Moy Park Releases 2021 Animal Welfare Report

It’s important that producers like Moy Park not only respond to the requests of their customers, but that they take ownership of their own animal welfare strategy with strong governance and management. Establishing clear objectives and targets specific to their business, provides a good framework for continuous improvement and reporting forms a large part of this process.

Moy Park has taken steps to improve their poultry housing and management over the years, with investment in features such as windows for natural light which stimulate bird activity,
indirect heating systems for better litter management, and biosecurity barriers for better health management, all resulting in better performance indicators and bird welfare.

Moy Park’s first welfare report provides a snapshot of some of the key inputs, such as stocking density and enrichment provision, which are known to affect bird welfare and behavior patterns. It also outlines important outcome metrics, such as physical condition, footpad dermatitis, hock burns and mortality, which indicate how well the inputs and management are delivering on welfare.

By setting clear targets and demonstrating progress against those targets through regular public reporting, a company can demonstrate its ownership and drive in continually pushing for better welfare. This annual progress report from Moy Park is a positive first step in transparent reporting which over time could include other parts of its business and additional metrics such production methods, types of breeds used, and positive welfare indicators.

To read the full report, please visit: https://moypark.com/assets/pdfs/Moy-Park-Welfare-Report-2021.pdf